Teaching Divided Histories is an innovative 3-year project developed by Nerve-Centre [Derry-LondonDerry] and funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Peace III programme.
The key aim of this project is to demonstrate how teachers can use moving images and creative technologies to engage pupils in the study of conflict and offer them stimulating ways of questioning mindsets and challenging sectarian stereotypes. Teaching Divided Histories aims to make a strategic impact on current approaches to the teaching of history, culture and identity by introducing moving image and digital pedagogies into the teaching of History and Citizenship as well as a wider range of subjects in cross-curricular programmes of learning.
PeaceWorks, appointed the international partner in India for the project have developed a supplementary curriculum module that is relevant to classrooms and syllabus in the Indian context. The module uses moving image, literature and art to look at the impact the division of the sub-continent has had on mindsets today. With a hands on project based approach the module focuses on multi-perspectives and aims to deepen the understanding of the ‘other’ for high school students.