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The Late Kozo Yamamura and Susan B Hanley
Seagull friend and Patron Kozo Yamamura who passed away on February 15, 2017 was a scholar of high distinction having written over twenty books and many more essays and articles on the Japanese economy and on the nature of Capitalism.
Kozo had another life. One in which under his pseudonym Michael S Koyama he collaborated with his wife Susan B Hanley in penning many novels for Seagull Books.
From authors they became loyal friends who also went on to support the PeaceWorks programmes and our History for Peace Conferences are always dedicated to the memory of our dear friend Kozo.
Although our friend Kozo is no longer with us dear Susan continues to be a friend and patron.
Takshila Education Society
Takshila Educational Society works in the domains of education, literature, arts, culture and rural development through social re-engineering. Set up in 1997 under the Societies Registration Act 1860, Takshila runs Delhi Public School at Patna, Pune, Ludhiana and Coimbatore, operates a centre for children’s literature and arts named Ektara in Bhopal, publishes books and magazines under the banners of Takshila Publication, Jugnoo Prakashan and Mynah, promotes engagements related to literature, visual arts, performing arts, and cinema through its unique multi-art space Arthshila coming up shortly in Patna, works through Parivartan in interiors of Siwan district in Bihar towards integrated rural community development, and perpetuates the synergy of visual arts, performing arts, architecture, design and ideation through Takshila Centre for Learning in Goa, and three soon to be inaugurated art centres—Muktodhara in Santiniketan, Ekantar in Ahmedabad and Takshila Museum of Art in New Delhi.